Submit Your Sponsored Post

Thanks so much for partnering with! We're excited to share your content with our audience.

This page is the place where you can submit your sponsored post content directly, and get it published on

All sponsored posts submitted here will be:

  • Published on
  • Have a ‘dofollow’ link back to the links included in your writeup (these links are super important for SEO and improving your own albums discoverability on Google)*
  • Included in our weekly email to over 3k fingerstyle guitar enthusiasts
  • Get shared on our Facebook page


  • Fill out the fields below. Please enter the content exactly as you'd like it displayed in the final blog post. We'll do an editorial check for any obvious errors, but otherwise you're in control of the content!
  • Add your payment details. charges a $40 insertion fee to cover the cost of review and publication.
  • Give us 48 hours to review the post, do any format adjustments, and hit publish!

We’re excited that you’ve got an article to share and pumped to be a part of that sharing process.

* Note: does not publish or link to any inappropriate or illegal content. The definition of inappropriate content is at the discretion of the editors of also reserves the right to include a nofollow link instead of a dofollow link in certain instances.