Cranes in the Moonlight by James Filkns
Cranes in the Moonlight, James Filkins first new album in over ten years. The 12 new original acoustic guitar based instrumentals, on this album are acoustically melodic, moody, as well as sonically textured and feature the talents of Polish cellist Josia Cieslak, accordionist Alex Somov from Turkey, Canadian guitarist extraordinaire Noah Zacharin on electric guitar, flautist Luis Vilca from Peru, Violinist Jess Townsend from England, Italian percussionist Silvio Centamore. Australian audio engineer Steve Reinthal adds additional acoustic guitar while also handing the mixing duties. The cover of the album is a visualization of the title track created by Northern Michigan artist Glenn Wolff.

Artist - James Filkins
Project (Album) Name - Cranes in the Moonlight
Release - June 7th, 2023
Where To Listen:
BAND CAMP (Album can be purchased and streamed in its entirety)
Album Tracklist
2. “Cranes in the Moonlight”
3. “When Your Wife Travels To Italy”
4. “Earthbound”
5. “Good Harbor Bay”
6. “van Gogh & Picasso-A Conversation”
7. “Poplars in the Wind”
8. “Gray Sky Over Port Oneida”
9. “Brothers”
10. “Life on the 45th Parallel”
11. “Mercy Droppeth Like Rain”
12. “Forgiveness”
All tracks composed/written by James Filkins
James Filkins is a fingerstyle acoustic guitarist, composer of acoustic guitar instrumentals, recording artist, and sonic meanderer. He creates organic instrumentals that are ambient, bit new age, a bit Celtic, acoustically melodic, and infused with vibrant, resonant, moody atmospheres and sonic textures. After a ten year hiatus, he has returned with a new album. His music is often inspired by the landscape and locations in Northwestern Lower Michigan and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, as well as places from his travels far and wide. His album Summer Sands and Sleeping Bears (2012), was inspired by the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and both Leland Harbor and the Schooner Inland Seas make an auditory appearance in the tune “Foamfollower.” Similarly, his 2007 album Borderline Normal includes the tracks “Round Lake Leelanau”and “Autrain River.” It comes as no surprise that the new album includes tracks inspired by Good Harbor Bay and Port Oneida.
Track Descriptions & Stories:
Composer- James Filkins
When the pandemic arrived, I made the decision to retire from the working life and redirect my days to other pursuits, music among them. “Unfettered” was born out of a feeling of release and freedom from the day-to-day working life of the past 45 years. I suddenly found myself unshackled from the alarm clock, the rigid demands of "the job,” and the seemingly endless minutiae of the working life. I felt, as I imagine Sisyphus would should he ever push that stone to the top of the mythological hill and be able to walk away with it permanently embedded at the top, never to roll again. It dawned on me that I was free to take whichever path fancy led me to pursue. So fortunate and unfettered from the cosmic chains of modern working life, was I. This tune is imbued with that feeling, communicated so clearly by Noah Zacharin's lead guitar.
“Cranes in the Moonlight”
Composer- James Filkins
Our home is situated across from a small lake inhabited by an abundance of wildlife. During the late summer and fall months a large flock of Sandhill Cranes, commonly called a “sedge,” claim certain portions of this lake for socializing and breeding. In the evenings this sedge of cranes slowly expands, crane by crane, in shallow waters to cavort and vocalize. Their movements are not unlike the gyrations and awkward gesticulations I’ve witnessed on the dance floors of sparsely populated discos during the last days of the disco fad. In fact, I wonder, if like human beings, these magnificent and ancient birds are enticed to move in strange ways by some inner music, like human beings are seduced by vibration, rhythm and the beat of music whether it be a disco, ball room, or the communal dances of our ancestors. It has become a pastime of mine to take my paddle board out on the lake in the evenings and float as near as I can get to these long legged, winged creatures to watch and listen as they feel the urge to move and make such prehistoric sounds. Quite often they will gather well into the night. On one such night, after witnessing this spectacular phenomenon by the light of a full moon this tune was born.
“When Your Wife Travels To Italy”
Composer- James Filkins
A few years ago my wife traveled to Italy with her mother. It was a once in a lifetime adventure. I was invited, but work necessitated that I remain stateside. Although I received regular updates via phone and email, the proverb, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” definitely applied. This tune developed during this time and seemed to express a sadness and poignancy more so than wistfulness. I hear it now as the dialogue between two people far apart, perhaps just as much in space as in feeling, depending on the listener’s perspective. This is a result, in large part, from Jess Townsend’s impassioned performance on violin. Alex Somov’s accordion presents a counter point or response to the guitar. A lovely reunion ensued upon my wife’s return.
Composer- James Filkins
The opening story in John Mauk’s book Field Notes for the Earthbound, is a tale of a small town life. The focus is on two boys obsessed with a girl who can supposedly fly. The story is one that lingers and burrows deep into the psyche. The idea of transcending gravity and, in the process, the day to day, along with the physical sensation of flying, unencumbered through the air like a bird is something that I dreamt of, dwelled upon, and wished for as a child, so much so that I used to experience vivid dreams that were as crystalline as reality. One of the wonders of youth, which sadly vanished with adulthood.
“Good Harbor Bay”
Composer- James Filkins
Good Harbor Bay is one of my favorite locations on Leelanau Peninsula, a magical land that reaches out from the Northwest most portion of Michigan's Lower Peninsula into Lake Michigan. Approximately half of the bay shore line is part of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore. Perfect sunny skies, waters that radiate various gradients of blue and coastal dune sands encasing my toes are what this tune is all about. Fall is my favorite time to walk along the bay and gaze out upon Pyramid Point, the Whaleback and North Manitou Island or simply the infinite horizon. I have spent many an hour napping, daydreaming and just immersing myself in this intoxicating environment particularly after a bike ride along the National Lakeshore Heritage trail. Think of Luis Vilca’s playful flute as the wind tickling the wings of seagulls and Silvio Centamore’s congas as the waves rolling ashore.
“van Gogh & Picasso-A Conversation”
Composer- James Filkins
Although I am not an aficionado of the art of painting, I am moved and inspired by paintings, particularly, those of Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. I can become mesmerized simply gazing into certain paintings. I am drawn to paintings that are a bit more adventurous and less realistic. Those that present life from an angle or through diffused light, creating a different perspective. I feel a sense of kinship with these two remarkable virtuosos and bunch them together with other artists who have been true to an inner light, unafraid to or unconcerned about, transgressing the accepted structure, guidelines and rules of their times. Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Socrates, Beethoven and Miles Davis also come to mind. Although van Gogh died when Picasso would have been nine, I think the two of them would have much to discuss had they been of the same age and time. Perhaps, among possible topics would have been defining the essence of art. It is a conversation I have had often with my students, colleagues, acquaintances, family, and fellow transgressors over the decades. My intent here was to bring that discussion or conversation between Vincent and Pablo to life in a way that both might have approached it with paint and canvas, abstractly, impressionistically through the sonic landscape of an acoustic guitar. I can hear their different voices, hopefully you will as well.
Meta Tags - James Filkins, Unfettered, Raighes Factory, Steve Reinthal-Mixer, James Filkins-Acoustic Guitar,
“Poplars in the Wind”
Composer- James Filkins
Our home in Northwestern Lower Michigan is surrounded by trees: Pines, maples, birch, oaks, beech, cherry trees, and poplars among others. Some people refer to poplars as aspen. Apparently, this can be a contentious point. For me, there is no contention, it's all about the sound and motion of leaves of the poplars as the wind and breezes spin them about in the summer and fall. This collaboration of wind and leaf is a pure symphony of peace and tranquility. It is difficult to describe, but the sound is not unlike running water in a very fast flowing stream or the sound carbonated liquid makes. Poplars ares also among the most flexible trees, with the ability to sway prodigiously in strong winds. I am fortunate enough to be able stretch out on a very comfortable couch on my screened-in porch and gaze up into a very tall grove of poplars as they bend and sway, lulled to daydreams by the enchanting “sluuuush” of those twirling, shimmering leaves. One afternoon whilst noodling on my custom multi-scale baritone guitar, built by luthier and artist Russell Crosby of Nova Scotia, I tried to come up with accompaniment for this auditory and visual symphony of nature. This tune is the result.
Meta Tags - James Filkins, Unfettered, Raighes Factory, Steve Reinthal-Mixer, James Filkins-Acoustic Baritone Guitar,
“Gray Sky Over Port Oneida”
Composer- James Filkins
Port Oneida, part of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, is located on the eastern end of Sleeping Bear Bay. From Port Oneida up to Pyramid Point there are many incredible views of Lake Michigan and the Manitou Islands to the Northwest. The community of Port Oneida, owes its name to a steamship, the SS Oneida, which docked here early in its existence. As I look out anywhere along the bluff that follows the shoreline up to Pyramid Point, I witness the shoreline below, the expanse of Lake Michigan, and the flight of gulls in the vast sky reaching out between the Manitou Islands. A sense of longing for a time that lies beyond, a journey, an adventure or even a memory that subtly beckons. On an overcast day, this longing is intensified and intermingled with the raw beauty and presence of nature, infusing the moment with a sort of primeval power. This feeling was the inspiration for this tune. If you close your eyes while listening, the talented cellist Joasia Cieslak creates sublime sonic textures that emulate the sky, the gulls, and meld with my guitar to bring this feeling and moment to life.
Meta Tags - James Filkins, Unfettered, Raighes Factory, Steve Reinthal-Mixer, James Filkins-Acoustic Guitar, Joasia Cieslak- Cello
Composer- James Filkins
As a child my closest companion was my brother. Older by less the year, my brother, along with my imagination, were my chief forms of entertainment, escape, adventure, as well as support. As we have aged and raised children of our own, mostly boys, that bond of brotherhood remained. It transcends hardship, competition, trial, tribulation, tragedy, remorse, regret, envy, jealousy, anger, and even grief. Fosters harmony, respect, loyalty, empathy, camaraderie, esprit de corps and love. For some it can be the one true thread that runs through a life, beginning to end. Witnessing that same bond amongst our sons, was on my mind when this song came through my hands. My sonic brother, Steve Reinthal, one of my favorite guitarist on the planet, plays the accompaniment.
Meta Tags - James Filkins, Unfettered, Raighes Factory, Steve Reinthal-Mixer, James Filkins-Acoustic Baritone Guitar, Steve Reinthal-Acoustic guitar
“Life on the 45th Parallel”
Composer- James Filkins
Attitude and outlook are essential to quality of life. From time to time, attitude needs adjustment or purging of the negative detritus that can build up for lots of reasons. I am fortunate to live in a region that abounds with natural beauty and opportunities to immerse myself in this beauty. Biking, paddle boarding, running or just taking my dog for a walk can re-adjust or re-focus my attitude and outlook on the good, positive things in my life. Often, I work on music in my head while engaged in these activities. I biked past a sign that marks the 45th Parallel here in Northwestern Lower Michigan while in my head I worked on this tune. You might say that sign made a significant impression.
Meta Tags - James Filkins, Unfettered, Raighes Factory, Steve Reinthal-Mixer, James Filkins-Acoustic Baritone Guitar,
“Mercy Droppeth Like Rain”
Composer- James Filkins
I was noodling around on a tenor guitar one day shortly after the pandemic forced us all into a more secluded lifestyle. I am not sure what inspired me to transpose the tuning onto a baritone acoustic guitar, but this is the result. So many of those early days of the pandemic created in me, and I’m sure others, a lack of control and a sense of fractured existence, which is what came to the surface in these notes and phrases. As luck would have it, a friend of mine, who just happens to compose and record incredibly insightful songs that simultaneously cut to the bone and shine like a beacon, agreed to give this a listen. The next thing I knew he had added a sort of dark, desperate lead electric guitar that moaned and howled with a subdued desperation. Although I liked this approach, it seemed rather stark and I asked him to give it a second try. The result was another electric lead that exuded a sense of hope and optimism. By some twist of fate I listened to them at the same time and, as you can hear, the discourse between the two leads and the melody of the baritone acoustic guitar created something rare and cathartic. I am forever grateful to Noah Zacharin for his willingness to give sway to dreams and vague paths.
Composer- James Filkins
To forgive is one of the most difficult and elusive human acts. It can be considered an emotion and attribute, as well as an action. Forgiveness is often as difficult to give as it is to receive, yet essential to all fully realized relationships. Forgiveness, in the moment of both the acceptance and the offer, creates a state of grace and purity, allowing a glimpse of humankind’s sublime potential. The electric guitar has always been a mystery for me. A difficult puzzle that escapes my grasp, literally and figuratively. It has been a formidable goal of mine to slay this dragon and bend it to my will for some time. Of course, I am aware that this dragon is, in reality, only a windmill, yet the quest remains. “Forgiveness” was a rare moment of grace when this dragon laid down, windmill or not, and allowed me to coax a melody to the surface.